Monday, March 15, 2010

2 weeks into the Peace Corps training process...

So I am in Honduras with 53 Peace Corps trainees - we had 54, but one person dropped out. Some relevant info first - Peace Corps Honduras used to be really lax - people would just party all the time. A new director was brought in to clean things up, so it is a lot more strict. The new director did a good job of that - PCH runs a lot more effectively now, but is run at a Zero Tolerance policy. Right now we are Peace Corps Trainees (group HN16 comprised of Health, Water and Sanitation, and Business) - after 3 months of training, we will hopefully be nominated to become Volunteers. The rules are a lot tighter for trainees than volunteers. One of the older trainees in Business decided to drop out because he found it too restrictive. He was in his 40's, spoke Spanish well and had lots of working experience. It is a bit unfortunate that he didn't want to stick around a little bit longer to see if things would become better, but he decided he would want to come down with another group to Honduras.

The other trainees in my group are all pretty young - they are mostly in their mid 20's. With the departure of the one older trainee, I am the 3rd oldest in our group (the 2nd is older by only a few months). But everyone is nice and eager to learn, and I look forward to learning and working with them.


  1. Zero Tolerance to what though?

  2. Zero Tolerance for partying too much. PC is trying to clean up its image in Honduras. Ill post some stories when in the blogs next, but remember that a lot of peace corps volunteers recently came out of college. they may or may not have had work experience, and some come from the mindset that this is college party part 2.

  3. So does this mean you cant blast Biggie from speakers like the good ol' days? :)


  4. alas no more... trying to keep the tech on the downlow... lots of crime in Honduras - will share stories i hear next time!
